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Mexican Salsa, May 28

We were so excited to partner with Trade School Vancouver and meet lots of new folks from the community this month for our Mexican salsa workshop. It was a house full of people hungry for the secrets of traditional salsa!

First, Edwin took us through a brief overview of the history of salsa, different peppers and their varying levels of spiciness, and the principles of salsa making. For those that are spice intolerant like me, fear not! Ingredient ratios can always be adjusted to taste, and during the taste test we found that our salsa batches were quite mild, yet delicious.

Preparing the salsa ingredients required all hands on deck, and everyone was happy to help rinse, chop or blend. We made Salsa Verde and its cooked variation, then some Salsa Chipotle en Molcajete (although we used a blender instead of the Molcajete), and lastly, Salsa de Chile Pasilla. Colours ranged from vibrant green to rusty red, and amazing flavours were flying everywhere. And the best part was there was loads of salsa to take home! I think my favourite was the cooked Salsa Verde. What was yours?

If you missed the workshop, we've got it all down in our recipe section, which includes a link to Edwin's original instructions and background notes.

Thanks again Edwin & Trade School Vancouver!

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