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October: Pulses

You can sprout your pulses!

Spices for lentil curry

Spice mix

Fragrant curry

Go backcountry hiking with this meal

Recipe & chopping fun

How do you deseed a pomegranate?

Cut in half, give a good many whacks
September: Coffee

A delicious September potluck

Coffee Talk with Vania

Vania shares what coffee is

First you measure out your beans

Beans are measured!

This batch was too coarse

Then you grind the beans

Then it's time to brew!
July: Zero Waste

Lots to learn!

Beyond cloth bags...


Kale & black bean salad

Black fungus & zucchini

Deluxe coleslaw

Corn & beets, topped with nasturtium

A few zero-waste benefits
June: Herbal Vinegar + Oil

New & old friends mingle

Amelie's strawberry/basil lemonade!

Cherries in the salad

Zucchini noodle salad

Welcome to The Food Connection

Smiley introductions

Let's get some food

Another beautiful potluck
May: Lebanese Cooking

30 old and new friends gathering

Baba Ganouj

Pork, squash and Asian greens

Lebanese cookbooks and flag

Majid our great workshop leader

Having fun with folks of all ages

Collaboration = community!

Authentic humus: more tahini!
April: Wildcrafting

Wildcrafting aids

Wildcrafter's library

Turkey tails and other treasures

Dried mushrooms, nettles

Yay The Food Connection!!

Ayira's Fatoush dish

Another great spread

Yummy corn bread
March: Community Growing Social

DIY Buddha Bowls!

Wheat berries


Fermented chickpeas

Glory Bowl Dressing

Muhammara Dip

Raspberry brownies!

Full house and table
February: Indonesian Cooking

Great spread of food and friends!

As usual people outdo themselves

Friendly introductions

Indonesian lontong (rice cake snack)

Emil & Idris share cooking tips

Idris warns the sambal is HOT!

Time to put the teens to work!

Everyone helps out, of course
January: Emergency Preparedness

Disaster simulation: no lights!

Almost a romantic yoga studio vibe

We kept the potluck healthy at least

Don't expect this in a real disaster

Serving and eating in half-light

Sitting on sleeping bags & blankets

Creating a campfire mood

Lots of laughter in the dark!
November: International Holiday Feast

Edible festive decorations!

Friends are welcomed with hot cocoa

Food Feast: Cheese cookies,

Edwin's Bacalao tuna dish,

healthy roasted veggies,

Sondi's vegan latkes,

Jesse & Brett's festive barley salad

Patrick's yummy cheese biscuits,
October: Slow Cookers

Delicious slow-cooked and fresh food

Crystal's chicken stew

Slow cooked bean chilli

Sharon's slow cooked lentil soup

Main feature: pulled pork

Rice pudding for dessert

Workshop Station 1:

Create your own slow cooker recipe!
September: Freezer Jam

Let's start jammin'!

66 lbs of grapes to work with

A lot of sugar to work with too!

Gettin' grapey

The big immersion blender comes out!

Blending the grape seeds & skin

Everyone gets a try

Immersing ourselves in grapes (haha)
Photos by Johnny Liu
August: Summer Drinks

We begin with a mocktail bar!

Ken adds apple bitters to the drink

Ginger beer, bitters, lemon, mint!

The Food Connection bar :)

Gloria's polenta potluck dish

Nicola's broccoli hazelnut salad

Our bitters library!

Tom leads with his bitters workshop
Photos by Johnny Liu
July: Creative Kitchen Challenge

Get ready for the Kitchen Challenge!

Meghan presents her Kitchen Rules

Friends begin to arrive (with hugs)

Eyeing the pantry goodies

Revealing the 3 secret ingredients!
Squash, onion and black beans

Head Chef Bridget gets an apron

Ayira & Nancy grab pantry items

The room erupts in chopping chaos
Photos by Jenny van Enckevort
June: Veggie Burgers

Great turnout for veggie burgers!

Ida & Anissa

Kimberly & little Noah

Meghan's delish squash noodles

Whitewater Burgers to taste

Cute little veggie slider

Now it's time to make some together

Lourdes & Ron teaming up
Photos by Jenny van Enckevort
May: Chicken

Whole roasted chickens, ready to go!

Andrew starts by talking soup stock

Handling carcasses like nobody's biz

The first brave warriors

Chicken trussing party!

Friends start trussing left & right

Chicken teamwork

Awesome skills being learned
Photos by Johnny Liu
April: Bread

Get ready for carbs!

Yannick's no-knead bread

Alison's Gluten-free Bread

Matt's olive no-knead bread

L-R Gluts-free, Danish rye, No Knead

These ladies are excited for bread!

Many bread spreads

The baker at work
Photos by Johnny Liu & Jenny van Enckevort
March: Tea Exploration

Sample of looseleaf contributions

Another delicious potluck

Show + Tea: Sharing what we brought

Preparing ingredients for brewing

Chocolate mint, vanilla, orange peel

Fun & easy experimentation!

Blending up a storm

Perfect way to spend a rainy evening
Photos by Shirley Soo & Katherine Allen
February: Japanese Home Cooking

The whole gang

We want you!

Dashi is delicious!

Greens are good for you!

Four cooks in the kitchen

Chopping away

Cleanup is key

Laughter's the best medicine
January: Dumplings

Megan & Kevin from Hua Foundation

Big hungry crowd

Local pork from Windsor Meat

Tenderizing master!

Chopping fun

Easy filling: cabbage, onion, pork

Make sure it's all finely chopped

Next step, seasonings
November: Pickling

Starting the last event of the year!

Another successful potluck

Jenny gets down to business: pickles

Prepping veg for pickled antipasto

Let's get this in the oven

Roasting veg!

Another amazing face captured

Sniffing spices
October: Kimchi

Part 1: Community Food Dialogue

What makes a healthy food community?

Input for Mt Pleasant food map

Part II: Amazing potluck!

Part III: Kimchi Workshop!

Salted napa cabbage

Cooking show style

Jennifer shows red pepper powder
September: Harvest Feast!

Our new tablecloth finished in time!

Best way to celebrate the harvest!

Grabbing ingredients for stations

Everyone gets busy with chopping

Fresh local lemon cucumber!

Many flavor combos at the Salad Bar

Soup is simmering

Flatbread pizza station!
August: Bees & Honey

Another spectacular bounty!

Robin's gorgeous salad

Amazing flatbread

Cassie & Sarah of Hives For Humanity

Sharing the world of bees with us

Cassie talks honeycomb

Honeycomb & Handout

Brushing bees off to harvest honey
July: Foraging Tour

Herbalist Lori Snyder

Overview of the herbal world

Mix of homemade herbal products

Her trusty resources

A gorgeous & informational handout

Embarking on our tour outside MPNH

Red Clover

Narrow leaf plantain
June: Istanbul Cuisine

Intros in a hot and steamy room

Nil shares Istanbul cooking with us

Ingredients for Kisir

Looking stylish while cutting onions

Happy chopping party!

An easy recipe to prepare at home

Mixing bulgur and tomato pastes

Kisir (spin on tabouleh salad)
May: Mexican Salsa

Edwin teaching us salsa basics

Time to roll up our sleeves!

Serrano peppers for Salsa Verde

Can't be a cilantro hater with salsa


Gili adding salt to the concoction

Shaunette using the blender bot

Big shwack of salsa verde!
April: Gardening

Pre-potluck mingling

Ken's beautiful bread!

Volunteer made brownies

Free gardening magazines!

We get to garden talk

Check out those tomato plants

More garden talk

March: Spice Blending

A spicy mélange

Assembling our ingredients

Five spice beginnings

Playing with food - what we do best

Chili powder in progress

Toasting whole spices

Into the grinder

I want one at home!
February: Gluten-Free Desserts
© Photos courtesy of Johnny Liu

Sondi & Tami talk gluten-free vegan

Chocolate avocado pudding first up!

Adding coconut milk to pudding

Fig & Tahini Truffles

Mashed up

Then rolled into balls

And decorated with coconut!

Giving the truffles a try
January: Cheese

The cooking demo begins

Lots of milks involved!

Aaron talks about the easy process

All you need is 20 min. of patience

Prepping savory & sweet toppings

Making cashew cheese: dead easy

Just throw it all into a blender

The ricotta emerges
November: Soap

Safety first!

Athenaise warns us about lye

Mixing oils

Adding beeswax

Adding palm & coconut oil

The mixture simmers to 160 degrees

Soap is a very measured process

Waiting for the perfect temp
October: Canning

Big donation from Whole Foods!

Jenny starts with applesauce basics

Apples, vinegar, sugar, spices....

Demo migrates to the kitchen

Things get steamy

Ready for FUN

Now the manual labor starts

Trying different ways of straining
September: Pizza

Friends arrive and start prepping

Layout of our potluck toppings

Overnight dough & battle equipment

Showing everyone a new dance

Chef Ken begins his cooking demo

2 different masters & rolling styles

Alison talks buckwheat crust

Buckwheat crust ingredients
August: Condiments

Getting ready for battle

Horseradish in progress

Pre-pesto stage

Oiling up the pesto

Preparing the mustard

Arm workout

Delicious mayo

All four finished condiments!
July: Sprouting Seeds

Beautiful spread!

First you need some nuts

Grab your flavours, blend

Squeeze out the milk

Blend again with flavours, pour


Cashew Blueberry

Choco hazelnut milk, here we come
June: Fermentation

The first community potluck!



Kombucha talk

Coconut kefir

Getting dirty

Fermenting together is much more fun
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