Wildcrafting & Foraging
What is Wildcrafting?
As people are getting more interested in identifying and collecting mushrooms and other wild foods, recently the term 'wildcrafting' has been popping up in contrast to foraging. We invited Camille from MuseumEats to share her thoughts and stories on wildcrafting, and folks were able to ask questions they had about harvesting wild plants.
The bottom half of this page covers the Urban Foraging workshop we did with Lori Snyder in 2014, which talks about foraging for common urban 'weeds' that are beneficial to plants and people.
Wildcrafting vs. Foraging
If you're talking about going out into the forest to collect your food, think of foraging as the Gold Rush style of harvesting, where you discover a few patches of chanterelle mushrooms and take everything in sight.
Wildcrafting, on the other hand, is approaching the forest like you would a garden. This means understanding the ecosystem that you're engaging in, and giving back to it so that it continues to grow. We're not talking about being sustainable, we're talking about being regenerative!
Here are some wild plants and topics we talked about and their uses. For more in-depth information, pharmacists can be a great resource on wild and herbal medicines and possible health implications. The smartest way to enjoy wildcrafting is to go with someone you trust with experience in identifying and collecting wild plants.
Red belted Conk: The base is used for heart, outside belt for arms & legs (harvest the outside belt and leave the rest intact)
Turkey Tail: Used to help immune system and treat cancer
Oyster mushrooms: Besides being delicious, they are used to replenish toxic soils and even clean up oil spills!
Drying mushrooms in the sun helps boost their Vitamin D content in a big way
A great mushroom identification resource is All that the Rain Promises and More...
Dandelions: The flowers are eaten as a protein supplement and allergy treatment (see below for more on dandelion)
Stinging nettles: For important minerals
Pollen: Instead of eating bee pollen, eating flowers like fireweed and daisies can help with allergies
Fiddleheads and Ferns
Where do you find edible fiddleheads? The usual one is called Ostrich Fern (though pricier as it's imported from Ontario), and the local fiddlehead is called Lady Fern, not to be confused with the toxic Spiny Wood fern. The Lady Fern is found in places with brackish water, such as ditches. Its crown has 12 fiddleheads, so the rule of thumb is to harvest a maximum of 3, so they'll reproduce the following year. Full details on @MuseumEats on Instagram.
Plants such as mushrooms, nipple wort, cat tails and buttercup can be used to replenish toxic soils by accumulating, breaking down and re-organizing toxins. Some of these plants such as cat tails and mushrooms are edible, but they shouldn't be eaten if used as bioremediators, as they contain accumulated toxins.
Buttercup can also be used as green mulch for your garden, as their deep roots bring up soil nutrients for other plants
Making the most of medicinal plants
Tinctures or herbal vinegars are an easy way to get more nutrients out of wildcrafted plants
Try using a live vinegar, like apple cider vinegar with the mother (find one that is labelled 'with the mother')
You can also use alcohol like high-proof vodka or food-grade ethanol
Harvest cottonwood (aka poplar) buds in the spring and soak in vinegar to draw out the propolis. This can be used to treat many illnesses. Try the same with turkey tails to create a powerful medicine!
Urban Foraging Tips
The following info is just a small taste of the wide world of herbal medicines - take your time to explore it and check your sources! Click each photo to enlarge and see the rest in our photo gallery. Here are some tips to get you started:
Rethink your idea of weeds! You may realize that the plants you see everywhere serve as more than a nuisance or useless ornament, and in fact they may be hardy for a reason
When foraging, bring a sacred herb to give thanks for what you take, or else pluck a hair or sing a song
Harvest in healthy bountiful areas and only take 10%
Think of seasonality - ex. harvest dandelion leaves & roots in spring and preserve as tincture for fall
If you want a place to start, try Plants of Coastal BC and A Field Guide to Medicinal Wild Plants of Canada
For information on Lori Snyder's medicinal walks, contact her at earthandcompanyinfo@gmail.com
Red Clover
blood purifier and helps throat, lungs, skin
great for garden as it pulls extra nitrogen out of the soil for other plants
bees and pollinators love it
edible flower, you can make ice tea with it

use with sage to aid digestion
chew leaf for cankers & sore gums
Vitamin C, iron, antioxidant
use root bark to cure diarrhea
try mixing with baking soda for whitening teeth
leaf used for ulcers

flower: Vitamin D, bees food - harvest in spring
leaf: bitter=good for digestion; diuretic, kidneys
try cooking leaf in stir frys
root: liver tonic, spring cleanse your system - harvest in spring before flowers come, or fall after frost
Broad Leaf:
leaf: minerals, Vitamin A, C, K, potassium
enzymes neutralize insect bites
roots: used for toothaches
seeds: bowel cleanser - leave out to dry, mash into a paste with water, eat and chase with more water
use all of the plant - steam leaves or make soup
do not use if you have diabetes
Narrow Leaf:
lungs: soothes inflamed membranes, quit smoking
make a tea or spray on tongue

Oregon Grape
roots: make yellow dye or a tonic for constipation, gall bladder, liver
flowers: edible
berries: jelly & jam
leaf: scaly skin, pimples - harvest in early spring

used for infections, but it closes wound very quickly so make sure wound is already closed so bacteria doesn't get trapped inside
make compost tea for plants - soak in water, leave for 3 weeks and spread around base of plants (careful it gets stinky!)
infuse root in lip balms & salves