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Natural Skin & Body Care

Why make your own skin care products?

Many of the daily skin care products we take for granted are far from harmless. The Dirty Dozen Cosmetic Chemicals list is eye-opening, and a quick tour of your bathroom vanity could turn up many toxic ingredients.

Gingerbread Body Scrub

This exfoliating scrub helps remove dry skin, smells irresistible, and is good enough to eat! Apply it in the shower or bath.

You'll need:

1 cup sugar

1 cup brown sugar

1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

1/2 teaspoon allspice

1/2 teaspoon powdered ginger

1/2 teaspoon nutmeg

1/2 cup coconut oil

1/4 cup almond oil

Combine all dry ingredients in a bowl, then add oils to reach the consistency you want.

N​atural Deodorant

Before switching from store-bought deodorants or antiperspirants, some people find it helpful to go through a 2-3 week detox process.

1 cup coconut oil
9 Tablespoons beeswax
6 Tablespoons shea butter
1 cup arrowroot powder
6 Tablespoons baking soda
30 drops vitamin E oil
1-2 drops essential oil per jar

Melt coconut oil, beeswax and shea butter over low heat. Sift together arrowroot powder and baking soda, then stir in to the melted oils. Mix until smooth and pour into jars (makes 2 cups).

Add essential oils to the jars and stir. Let cool. Remove from the jar with your fingers and apply to underarms.


Lip Balm

This nourishing lip treatment uses two simple ingredients, and won't deplete your skin's natural moisture the way some products do.

You'll need:

2 Tablespoons olive oil
    (we used Grapeseed oil for a milder flavour)

1 Tablespoon beeswax

    (use cosmetics grade only)

Using a double boiler or microwave, melt the oil and wax together. Carefully pour into small tins or glass jars. Allow to cool completely before covering or applying to lips.

Simple Toothpaste​

Inspired by Stephanie Tousles and her DIY beauty Bible Organic Body Care Recipes, this formula couldn't be easier. This is for a single-use application, so adjust the measurements to suit the amount you like on your brush, or make a larger batch ahead of time.

You'll need:

1 teaspoon baking soda

1/2 teaspoon sea salt, finely ground (optional)

1 drop food grade essential oil (peppermin, clove, or citrus)

A few drops of water

Mix ingredients in a small bowl and combine thoroughly until a thick paste is formed. Brush as usual.

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