Knife Skills
Knife workshop leader Kirsten showed us a thing or two about how to use a knife. Below are Kirsten's key tips on using and maintaining knives that will make food prep easier and faster, and most importantly keep you safe!
Knife Safety
Hold knife pointed down at hip when moving around the kitchen
If you're sharing kitchen space, say "going around sharp" or "knife!" when going around a corner
Don't put knives in the sink as others might not see and cut themselves
If you accidentally drop the knife, don't try to catch it
Sharpen your knife prior to use as dull knives slip more easily
Place a wet paper towel underneath your chopping board to keep it from moving
Maintenance + Sharpening
With practice and a few key tools, you can sharpen your own knives at home!
Tool tip: If you're looking for a more economical and easier to use sharpening tool we recommend getting a knife sharpener. If you are looking to invest in something long-lasting, go for a sharpening stone. We recommend Dunlevy Food Equipment for affordable options.
Dull knives are much more dangerous for injuries. Sharpen your knife once a week -- here's a How-to guide
If using a sharpening stone, be sure to soak it in water for 30 minutes prior to use
Wash by hand and dry in dish rack where it's visible
Don't put your knives in the dishwasher as this makes them dull
Use a knife magnet or stand to store your knives as this is safer than a drawer. If this is not an option, you can at least buy a hard plastic cover for your knife.
Food Tips & Techniques
Use a 'pinch grip' and 'claw grip' while chopping -- (video)
The 3 most common types of chopping are the rock, tap and cross chop (video).
Rock chop -- useful for thick-skinned veggies like sweet bell peppers
Tap chop -- for medium soft items like zucchini
Cross chop -- best for rough chopping herbs and nuts, or mincing items like garlic
For round or unstable items like carrots that can roll away from you, cut one side length-wise to make it flat
Avocado: cut through length-wise all the way around, twist the 2 halves in opposite directions, and use the edge of a cup or bowl to knock the avocado pit off. Cut both halves length-wise again, and peel off skin.